SpaJuiceBar Is Online
June 18, 2024

SpaJuiceBar Is Online

Hi, Beautiful People!

We've missed you! First things first, SpaJuiceBar is excited to announce that we are now open online! 🌐✨ Also, we have a new contact number: 954-205-5575. We’re really sorry if our move seemed sudden. If we dropped the ball on keeping you in the loop, please accept our heartfelt apologies.

Reflecting on the incredible 10 years we spent at our Las Olas location brings so much joy. Each day was filled with love, laughter, and lots of juice! Did you know my journey into juicing began through my personal battle with cancer? It was during that challenging time that I discovered the powerful healing properties of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Starting SpaJuiceBar was my way of sharing this discovery and learning alongside you. We’ve all grown so much, haven’t we?

Why did we close the physical store? Simply put, we were exhausted. After 10 years without a proper break, working non-stop, it was time to recharge and rejuvenate. 🌿 Now, we’re back, energized, and excited to reach more people than ever before by going online!

We’re starting with your favorites: Blu Lemonade and Immunity Boost juices. Keep an eye out; we’re also gearing up to introduce our new line of powder supplements perfect for enhancing your juices and smoothies!

As a thank you for being such a fantastic part of our community, we’re thrilled to offer a Buy 1, Get 1 Free on our Blu Lemonade and Immunity Boost. Hurry though, this offer ends at midnight on June 21, 2024!

Starting next week, we’ll be sharing some of our favorite recipes that were popular at the juice bar. Get ready to bring a piece of SpaJuiceBar into your own kitchen!

Continue to live empowered. You are powerful. Remember, your health and wellness are in your hands, and I’m here cheering you on every step of the way.  I am on this health and wellness journey with you...let’s explore together.

With all my love, wishing you wellness!
