July 30, 2019
Do you need energy? Drink a glass of carrot juice to give your body energy and vitality while simultaneously cleansing your liver. What's so wonderful about carrots is their normalizing effect on the body. Dry skin, dermatitis, and skin blemishes are indicators of a deficiency within the body of the rich, vital nutrients you will find in good-quality carrots.
Running Creates a Healthy Lifestyle
May 15, 2014
At Spajuicebar, we promote a healthy and invigorating lifestyle. With our whole-body approach to nurturing, our juices are handcrafted organic cold-press vegetables, fruits and herbs, providing the body with a large dose of enzymes, minerals and nutrients.
We also promote the importance of maintaining a physical fitness regiment through running.The most obvious effect of running is that it burns calories and raises the metabolic rate—the rate at which the body uses energy.....
Enjoy a Spinach Juice today!
May 14, 2014
One of the most alkaline producing food has twice the amount of iron than most greens, happens to be my favorite vegetable, spinach. I could eat and drink raw spinach, added to another veggie or fruit juice, at any time. For breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner.
I Touch Myself Project Is The Best PSA
April 16, 2014
There is a movement going on, and it’s a great movement. Women are touching their breast. How many of us touch or examine our breast? I do; I am proud to touch my breast.
Today is Happy Day
April 15, 2014
As you go throughout the day take a moment and praise You. Be happy with you. Focus on the internal you, not the external, and love the essence of you.
September 30, 2013

Preparing for a juice cleanse is key to ensuring a smooth and successful experience. Begin with a pre-cleanse by eating raw foods, drinking plenty of water, and eliminating heavy proteins, processed foods, and caffeine from your diet. Focus on alkaline-forming foods like fresh fruits and vegetables to support your body. Herbal teas such as green tea, lemongrass tea, rooibos tea, and dandelion tea offer great alternatives to coffee, helping to cleanse and nourish the body. A juice cleanse is an opportunity to detoxify, restore balance, and strengthen the immune system while embracing nature’s healing energy. Take this time to nurture yourself—you deserve it!