The Power of Affirmation, Morning Boost
October 07, 2014
The power of affirmations can transform your life. Words can increase a negative and positive reaction from within. When you repetitively affirm a thought, you believe the thought, you feel the thought and then you become what you re-affirm. Knowing your power to nurture and heal your body when fighting cancer is a positive step towards healing. Positive affirmation is one of the tools I used when fighting my breast cancer. "My light radiates," is an affirmation I used to remind myself of the power that exist within me. Each day, I would direct the energy of light directly at my cancer cells and with positive energy I focused my intentional light at zapping the cancer. Loving, positive affirmations will help to strengthen the body, causing you to feel more powerful. ~~Sonia
Juice Tip of the Day: Basil
May 12, 2014
Many have asked why do we place basil in our Morning Boost juice? Basil is great for a mild headache, cramps, cold, flu, fever...