July 30, 2019
SpaJuiceBar's Juice Tip of the Week highlights dandelion, a powerful herb. I am so grateful for dandelion, one of nature's most valuable plants for our body. Who would have thought that this powerful herb, often found growing on the side of the road or removed from flower beds, could offer such an abundance of nutrients? Dandelion is a potent herb that helps counteract hyperacidity by increasing alkalinity within the body.
Sunflower Sprout, Juice Tip of the Week
June 20, 2019
Sunflower Sprout Juice Tip of the Week Nutrient-rich and powerful, sunflower sprouts are a true superfood, and SpaJuiceBar's featured Juice Tip of the Week. Also known as microgreens, sunflower sprouts are a complete source of protein and one of the most balanced sources of essential amino acids.
SpaJuiceBar's Juice Tip of the Day, Beets
September 30, 2014
Did you know beet juices enhances physical performance and is a hangover cure?
SpaJuiceBar's Juice Tip of the Day
September 30, 2014
Pineapple is SpaJuiceBar's juice tip of the day. Did you know pineapple is low in calories? Juice up today!