July 30, 2019
Do you need energy? Drink a glass of carrot juice to give your body energy and vitality while simultaneously cleansing your liver. What's so wonderful about carrots is their normalizing effect on the body. Dry skin, dermatitis, and skin blemishes are indicators of a deficiency within the body of the rich, vital nutrients you will find in good-quality carrots.
Raw Juice & Food Pairing: Arugula, Watermelon Salad
July 24, 2014
I made this salad a few days ago, refreshingly light and with just the right amount of zest for a perfect summer food pairing experience. This salad pairs beautifully with a cold glass of carrot orange juice or a honey dew melon juice infused with lemongrass, yum!!
What makes this pairing delicious is the perfect balance of citrus flavors found in both the salad dressing and the juices. The juices facilitate a vibrancy enhancing the dining experience. As the watermelon complements the peppery arugula with a perfectly balance of bright freshness to the spicy green, the cheese provides just the right amount of saltiness to quicken the satisfying burst of flavor provided by the watermelon. Try the combination of juices with this salad for a perfect summer dining experience. Recipe to try: Arugula Watermelon Salad, Food Network